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Aree Scientifiche

Accreditation, Quality System and Labelling

SSICA carries out assessments in all preserved food sectors, both at its headquarters in Parma as well as at its section in Angri.
In order to provide an increasingly qualified analysis service, since 1996 SSICA has been implementing an accreditation agreement with ACCREDIA for the Parma office, which is renewed every 4 years.


Coordinator: Alfonso Sellitto

Areas of activity


Analytical tests

Food legislation


Based on this convention, SSICA is authorized to indicate a certain number of tests as “accredited”.
Accreditation of a test method by ACCREDIA guarantees that it is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard and other ACCREDIA prescriptive documents.
SSICA ensures, among other things, the employment of qualified and competent personnel, the use of efficient and calibrated instruments, the use of suitable reference materials, the maintenance of environmental conditions as not to invalidate the test, the implementation of a preliminary study on the performance of the method by validating and estimating the uncertainty of the results, where applicable.
ACCREDIA accreditation avoids tests repetition in the exporting countries that acknowledge it. This approach is further strengthened with the establishment of mutual acknowledgment agreements between the various laboratory accreditation bodies.
SSICA is authorized to use the accreditation body’s mark (ACCREDIA) in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the body itself. For this reason, the mark will be reported on the Test Reports only if these contain at least one accredited test and the non-accredited tests will be marked with an asterisk (*) which refers to the phrase “TEST NOT ACCREDITED BY ACCREDIA”.
The Client is informed that the mark or the reference to accreditation must not be used in the documentation concerning a product, or be reported on a product, while reporting the complete copy of the Test Report is permitted.

SSICA is also authorized by ACCREDIA to use the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) trademark relating to international acknowledgment in which the accreditation bodies of more than 30 countries from all over the world participate.
The updated official list of accredited tests can be requested by the Client at any time from the Sample Reception Office, whose references are:

SSICA – Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry
Multi-site laboratory
Headquarters A – Parma headquarters and operations

ACCREDIA accreditation number: 0122L
Rosaria Conforti
0521 795213
Luca Guareschi
0521 795213

Headquarters B – Angri operations
ACCREDIA accreditation number: 0122L
Vincenza Landi
Giuseppina Ferraioli

Accredited tests can also be accessed through the direct connection to the test list.

Accredited Analysis Test List Parma Headquarters
Accredited Analysis Test List SSICA SUD Section

For accredited tests it is also possible to consult the website

A summary of the procedures followed by SSICA Laboratories in carrying out the tests and in dealing with Clients are reported in the following Information:

Client information
Test service conditions

SSICA also holds the following certifications and authorisations:

GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) Certified Laboratory Legislative Decree 2/04/07

Acknowledgment and inclusion in the list of laboratories which carry out analyses in the sphere of food company auto-control procedures Emilia Romagna Region General Division for Health and Social Policies Veterinary and Food Hygiene Service Registration No. 008/PR/013 of 04/09/07

Enrolment in the register of external public and private laboratories being highly qualified for applied research and technological innovation D.M. 26.02.87 art. law 46/82

Accreditation to collaborate with EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Art. 36 EC Regulation 178/2002 and Art. 1 EC Regulation 2230/2004

Emilia Romagna region. Regional accreditation in accordance with DGR 1213/2007 as an INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH STRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER

The technical competence, the impartiality and the reliability of the analytical data of the laboratories are testified by the constant and continuous participation in the most prestigious national and international interlaboratory circuits of analysis. This represents the best guarantee of the reliability of the analytical data provided and of the preservation over time of the expertise of SSICA technicians.

The main interlaboratory circuits in which SSICA participates in the various analytical areas are:

FAPAS: nutritional analyses, residues of contaminants, PCBs, allergens

ARPA Emilia Romagna: water analyses

LGC: microbiological analyses

SENATE: microbiological analyses

UNICHIM: water analyses

Analytical tests and other services

The Analytical tests carried out in the laboratories are one of the strengths of SSICA alongside studies and assessments on production processes to allow both compliance with legal obligations and added value for food production.

The SSICA laboratories operate in compliance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 and are accredited by ACCREDIA (National test laboratory accreditation system) for performing microbiological, physico-chemical, biochemical and nutritional, microscopic and sensory analyses.

Food Legislation

News Accreditamento

Updating, dissemination and consultancy service to companies on food labelling and other mandatory regulatory issues (food safety, additives presence, marketing, export, traceability …) and voluntary (quality management systems and food safety).

Because of the increasingly articulated, complex and sometimes contradictory legislative framework in the field of food safety and other issues of interest to food companies, the latter have often to face big problems in the interpretation of the rules, in the correct fulfilment of what provided therein, in the management of relations with supervisory bodies and in the resolution of commercial disputes.

This is why SSICA, while retaining its nature as a technical-scientific institute, is committed to offering its contributing companies a “first assistance” service in dealing with problems relating food legislation, by telephone advice, e –mailing or in the form of written reports.
Telephone advice (or by e-mail) on general topics or individual aspects of rapid resolution is dedicated to contributing companies and is free.

In-depth advice on particular issues and for the resolution of specific problems with control bodies, suppliers and customers, etc. is provided by e-mail and/or in the form of written reports, upon request by the companies, to which the best offer will be sent calculated on the basis of the working hours of commitment and relating rates (facilitated for contributing companies).

The service concerns in particular:

definition and development of a correct food label in accordance with current legislation;

verification and correction of an existing food label in relation to its compliance with current legislation;

assistance in the development and verification of management and documentary aspects relating to food safety, HACCP, traceability, etc.;

consultancy on issues such as admission, limits and conditions of the presence of additives in food products, admitted limits of contaminants in different foods, regulation of certificates of specificity and organic production, support in the technical-documental process related to the export of acid and non-acid food products in countries such as the USA;

interpretation of specific vertical product standards relating to the safety and marketing of certain particular product categories;

assistance in defining the technical and managerial aspects of the Certification according to voluntary standards such as ISO 22000, UNI 10854, IFS, BRC etc.

It is specified that the service provided represents only an opinion without any official value and without investigating the technical-legal aspects, since the exact interpretation of the regulatory framework is in any case up to other Authorities, while, from the point of view of the procedural management of the cases, the support of a lawyer is necessary.

For any information, please contact Dr. Alfonso Sellitto
081 5133728


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